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Referee has responded
'Mable has made life easier! I set my own rates, and have built a strong relationship with my clients.'
'Mable has made life easier! I set my own rates, and have built a strong relationship with my clients.'
'Mable has made life easier! I set my own rates, and have built a strong relationship with my clients.'
'Mable has made life easier! I set my own rates, and have built a strong relationship with my clients.'
Important Notice: While we verify certain key information (police checks, key qualifications, references) during the on-boarding of each Support Worker, Support Worker’s represent other information about themselves to customers via their profiles that we do not independently verify. In exercising your choice of Support Worker(s) and booking them directly, we recommend that you check their credentials and original documents when you first meet them and provide ongoing supervision. We recommend that Support Workers take a file of their key documents with them to their first meeting.